MotifCreator Application

Concept, UX and UI design and development

Touchscreen and web application for the Museum of Ethnography. The application based on the database, which contains 1300+ vectorized motifs which were hand drew by illustrators.
The application gives access to the user to create freely and creatively immersed in a treasure trove of motifs of the Museum of Ethnography. When selecting the motifs, it is possible to view a photograph of the carrier object, its details, data, including its place of origin. The motifs can be easily filtered by tags or location.
The graphics created by the user/visitor can be the basis of many different merchandise products. The products can be customized by the customer on-site or in an online webshop application.

18th Venice Biennale of Architecture

The MotifCreator is a Golden Prize Winner application (2022. Pixel Perfect Prize) at a competition announced for the non-free cultural sector and it leaves its own micro-environment – in this case the Museum of Ethnography – and can assert itself in a relevant way in a completely different environment: it is exhibited at the 2023 Venice Biennale of Architecture, and it elevates classic ethnographic knowledge into a contemporary artistic environment.
Project Specifics

• 2022
• Museum of Ethnography
• Concept, UX/UI Design, Development, Product Video

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