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Let's launch your new career together!

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In these 11 years since I work here I have performed in many roles. This workplace can always come up with something new, I will never get bored. I find it equally important that any problem pops up, we can solve it in a friendly and effective way due to the frank working relations.

György Chovanyecz

Lead fullstack developer, medior architect

The most I like at Moon42 is that I can try myself out in different sectors of UI, graphic design, illustration, film, and animation. I don’t think I could do this in any other company.

Dóra Szabó

Graphic and motion designer


I feel like I’m part of a really good team.
They make me forget that I'm not in my own country. I feel right at home since I’m at the company.
I enjoy full trust from the management which unleashes my potentials to generate international projects.

Gayan Vindika

Business Development Manager

What I really like about this job, is that it can get me places I didn’t expect. Not only in geographic terms, but this is the place where I became senior developer, and lately lead developer.
I feel I'm learning new things every day and gain experience that I can use to get along in my career.

János Szidor

Business Analyst, Lead Developer

Come and visit us

Are you eager to develop, and serious enough to get your work done individually, and of high professional standard? Come and get on board, join us!

In our friendly, spacious office in the heart of the 3rd district you'll make yourself at home easily, where you can meet many interesting professional opportunities: you can take part in serious international projects, or join a vibrant colorful dev hub to roll out smaller scale developments.

If we caught your interest, please send us a short introduction and your CV and we will get back to you soon.

Feel free to share this with your friends who you think may be interested. 

Once onboard, we pamper you with:

Being a junior we will give you a senior tutor to ensure that you develop and grow both professionally and as a team player. If you are more senior, you can work independently or as a part of a development team.

We will find the job which is the best fit for you and what you love doing. We don’t mind if you think differently, “out of the box” so to say, we encourage you to come up with new ideas, thoughts. We believe in diversity.

You can expect interesting, colourful tasks and responsibilities and you can work with big companies such as Volkswagen, O2, Porsche, Vodafone, Nokia, MOL, Museum of Ethnography, eKRÉTA and SaaS documentation system.

We can ensure your continual professional growth and contribute to your English/Hungarian language skills and to your health with an opportunity to join the Medicover health insurance.